Guitar Zero is a unique approach to learning to play guitar. The author is renowned cognitive scientist Gary Marcus, who decided to learn how to play the guitar on his fortieth birthday. Before, he tried learning the instrument, but couldn't succeed. He wrote an online course to help people learn how to play the guitar, which he then called "Guitar Zero." It took him just eight weeks to get up and playing.
There are two ways to play Guitar Zero levels. You can use a keyboard or play the guitar with an adapter for your PC. The software comes with a program for emulating a joystick. If you have a Windows 10 computer, you can download the app for free and install it without any problems. You can also play in practice mode using the number keys on your keyboard. This method will allow you to skip around the video and get an idea of what you're doing.
Guitar Zero is not a comprehensive guide to learning how to play the guitar. The book explores human musicality from the emotional side to the biology behind it. It uses well-known music as examples to illustrate various points. The author also includes interviews with musicians who are successful and snippets of their lives. It explores the various traditions of music, ranging from classical to jazz. There's a wide range of information to understand the different facets of playing the guitar.